After not having touched a real camera for the better part of 30 years, I recently bought a digital camera and started to feel my way back into photography.
Digital is very different from the analog world I left in the 90ies.
Seemingly I have to learn and re-learn a lot of things,
Yet some things stay the same. Still, if you see something, either the light changes or a dude decides to step into your motive and pick his nose. 
Still, the perfect opportunity is gone 3 seconds before you have the camera up and ready.
So - nothing new under the sun plus a camera that has a 700 page manual.
Of course I fooled around with the phone camera over the years, might even occasionally publish some stuff here, but I have been out of real photography for a long time.
In the case of you actually finding your way here - drop me a note. I'm curious who you are...

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